Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

If N. Korea carries out another nuclear test, then there's no hope on the peninsula.

2017年04月30日 00時45分38秒 | Weblog

Pyongyang's failed missile test adds to Korean Peninsula tensions
Source:Global Times Published: 2017/4/29 13:36:36

There are three reasons why Pyongyang tests missiles. Missile research and development require testing, but they don't frequently happen. Missile tests are North Korea's way of expressing its dissatisfaction, and the most recent test is a typical example. Pyongyang also attempts to use missile tests to boost North Korean public morale, and they're often held during the country's key anniversaries 

北朝鮮がミサイルを続ける理由 1)ミサイル開発には実験が必要 2)不満・抵抗の表現 3)国威発揚

If North Korea does not carry out its sixth nuclear test or launch intercontinental ballistic missiles, then hope remains on the peninsula.




DPRK accuses South Korea of increasing intrusions into territorial waters
Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/4/29 15:54:07

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Saturday accused South Korea of more intrusions into what it calls its territorial waters in the Yellow Sea.

Intrusions by South Korean naval warships "have recently been on explosive increase" and "twice as many as what happened in March alone," said the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The increased infiltrations are intended to make the Northern Limit Line a fait accompli, it said.



日本政府は日本海呼称問題に関して、韓国側が日本海のみを「East Sea」にするよう主張し、黄海については「West Sea」に変更すべきとは主張していないことから、これが殊更に日本海のみを標的にしたものであると主張している[7]。



