Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年06月28日 19時35分32秒 | Weblog

江川紹子 | ジャーナリスト
2015年6月28日 0時14分







2015年06月28日 15時23分37秒 | Weblog

Full text of Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014
RSS Feedback Print Copy URL Large image More English.news.cn | 2015-06-26 10:19:17 | Editor: Xiang Bo
BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a report titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014" on Friday.

Following is the report's full text:

Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014

State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China




2015年06月28日 15時20分39秒 | Weblog

櫻田 淳
1時間前 · 編集済み


”小川 和久 集団的自衛権を考える”

2015年06月28日 11時40分07秒 | Weblog

今回の話題になっていることに役立つとは思わないが、集団的安全保障 vs 集団的自衛権の違い、そして集団的自衛権において、アメリカはそもそも日本の投射能力をそいだ形でしか自衛権を与えておらず、海外へ投射することを期待していないこと、また、集団的自衛権行使のためには、アメリカも同盟国と交渉しなくてはならず、その過程で、アメリカの暴走も抑止する機能があること、さらに、日本は、巨大な燃料、弾薬庫などを含めて米軍の本社機能があることなどなど、といったかんじーーー気の許せる集いなのか、わりに自慢話というか、おれさまはえらいぞ、的な雰囲気がでていたのは意外だった。



2015年06月28日 09時27分20秒 | Weblog



2015年06月28日 06時49分04秒 | Weblog

議論更新:2015年06月25日 13:43



Hitler learned what could be achieved by extermination and slavery from American success.

2015年06月28日 05時49分40秒 | Weblog

Timothy Snyder: All History Is Contemporary History http://j.mp/1NnxuPH 書評とインタビュー。ホロコーストの別の論じ方について。
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Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning

by Timothy Snyder


This atmosphere of catastrophism might now and in the future be conducive to the sorts of radical actions espoused by Hitlerian politics, and minority groups will always be at risk during times of crisis (see Vladimir Putin's references to a global "gay lobby," not to mention his actions in Ukraine that are so reminiscent of Hitler's foreign policy). Snyder argues that the contemporary world has much in common with the preconditions of the Holocaust.

The killings took place beyond the borders of prewar Germany, roughly half of the killers were not German, and the vast majority of the Jewish victims had nothing to do with Germany. My book begins with Hitler because he had a certain vision of a planet without Jews. He could only begin to realize such a vision after German power destroyed the states where large numbers of Jews lived.

Only about 3% of the victims of the Holocaust were German Jews. I try to give the reader at least some idea of how the rest of the Jews lived in Europe before the mass killing began in 1941. But the politics of Germany's neighbors is important for another reason as well. The Final Solution became the Holocaust in the years 1938 to 1941 as German power destroyed those neighboring states. The creation of political vacuums created new vulnerabilities for Jews and zones of experimentation where techniques of mass murder could be developed.

Hitler thought part of the reason the U.S. was such a successful empire was because one of the very first steps America took as a new nation was to completely annihilate the native population of the continent. Hitler wanted to do the same to the Europe, starting with the Slavs to the east, then, ultimately, the Jews.

We have to remember that American history was global history as it was happening. The conquest of the American West was, among other things, a project of European frontier settlement. It was admired by Europeans generally, including, for example, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. At the time of Hitler's youth, Germans saw the expansion of the U.S. as an impressive, even heroic story. German colonizers of Africa explicitly referred to the American model. Hitler's innovation was to argue that Europeans could treat other Europeans as racial inferiors, and conquer, displace and destroy them as Europeans had done to other peoples. He thought that a war of destruction and starvation against Slavs would allow American history to repeat itself in Europe.

For Hitler, Jews were the people who stood in the way of such a deed. He believed that the world was in reality nothing but a site for racial struggle for food and resources. He claimed that the Jews were responsible for all of the ideas--ethical, religious, political, scientific--that allow us to see the world in any other way

Black Earth challenges WWII history as a tidy picture--the U.S. as heroic liberator and Nazis as pure, unadulterated evil. Do you think the fact that Hitler took political inspiration from the United States will surprise readers?

What we need to understand is how Germans and Austrians became Nazis. We need to understand that 90% of the time that we write "Nazis" we actually just mean Germans. Most of the things we attribute to "Nazis" were matters of German policy carried out by people who were Nazis as well as by people who were not. And very often the killers in the Holocaust were neither Nazis nor Germans.

We generally remember only the war itself, when Nazi propaganda was of course anti-American. We do not remember that the formation of the United States was itself an example for many Europeans--not just Hitler--of what could be achieved by extermination and slavery. We do not remember, for that matter, how important anti-Semitism was in this country before and indeed during the Second World War.

The second half of my book is a history of rescue, and here we see the realities but also the limits of America's war against Germany. Most of the Holocaust had already taken place by the time American soldiers landed on Normandy. Although American soldiers reached and liberated some concentration camps, they saw none of the death pits or killing facilities further east, where the Holocaust actually took place. These were all liberated by the Red Army, which bore the brunt of the German attack, took the most casualties and inflicted the most damage. But here the story is far from unambiguous, since the Soviet Union began the war in 1939 as an ally of Nazi Germany. The Holocaust began in 1941 on territories that the Soviet Union had conquered first, which were then invaded by Nazi Germany.

Auschwitz is often considered a symbol for the whole of the Holocaust. You consider this an oversimplified and dangerous precedent.

God forbid that we forget Auschwitz. It is a place where more than a million human beings were murdered, the vast majority of them Jews, but also Poles, Soviet citizens, and gypsies. But if we wish to remember and especially understand the Holocaust, we must start from the basic fact that the Holocaust is much, much larger than Auschwitz.

About four-fifths of the Jewish victims were murdered somewhere else, and most of them were dead before Auschwitz even became a major killing site.

These were people who were killed over death pits or sent to death factories that we often forget about--Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec, Chelmno.

All history is contemporary history, in the sense that everything that has happened in the past in some way is present with us now.

When we do not see this, we can undervalue the significance of traditional institutions and make bad arguments for destroying other states. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 is an example of this







