English Collection



2014年02月21日 | 英語学習
How To Talk About Books You haven't Readというタイトルに惹かれてその本を読むことにしました。30年程前に読んだ How To Succeed In Business Without A Harvard MBAという本を思い出させるタイトルです。 著者はフランス人のPierre Bayardで、この本はフランス語から英語に訳された翻訳本です。
Valery achieved a certain fame in the world of literary criticism by calling into question the common practice of linking a work closely to its author. It was conventional in nineteenth-century criticism to maintain that knowledge of the author enhanced that of the work, and thus to amass as much information about him as possible.
"amass" つい最近他の本にも出てきて調べたはずですが、すっかり忘れているので今度はしっかりと覚えたいと思います。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to gather or collect (something, such as a large amount of money) especially for yourself: They've amassed a wealth of information.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period: She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels.
・Vocabulary.com: Amass means bring together or assemble. It can be a real shock to enter a room and see your amassed friends shouting "Surprise!"
Although the word amass should not be confused with "a mass," as in the thing you never want to hear has been found on your lung, they both derive from the Latin massa "lump." When you think about it, this makes sense. Whether soldiers or cancer cells, things that come together to form a whole -- in this case, a tumor or an army -- are amassed.
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