English Collection


Cutting a Dash

2014年09月11日 | 英語の本を読む

Eats, Shoots & Leavesを読み始めました。いよいよ本文に入りました。
Today, thank goodness, the National Curriculum ensures that when children are eight, they are drilled in the use of the comma, even if their understanding of grammar is at such an early age a bit hazy. For Cutting a Dash we visited a school in Cheshire where quite small children were being taught that you use commas in the following situations.
1 in a list
2 before dialogue
3 to mark out additional information
"Cutting a Dash" は、何故か、固有名詞か何かの様に大文字が使われていますが "Cutting a Dash" は何でしょう?
辞書には "cut a dash" の意味が次の様に出ています。
・Collins Dictionary: to behave or dress showily or strikingly; make a stylish impression: Of course, they were `shoving on", `shaping", `trying to cut a dash".
・Dictionary.com: to make a striking impression; be ostentatious or showy.to make a striking impression; be ostentatious or showy.
しかし Wikipediaに "Cutting a Dash" の項目があり次の説明がありました。
Cutting a Dash was a popular BBC Radio 4 series about punctuation, hosted by Lynne Truss. It was the direct inspiration for Truss's best-selling book Eats, Shoots & Leaves
なあんだ、著者のこの本からできたラジオ番組ですか。Dashもpunctuationの一つとして採り上げられるので、番組の題名にもLynne Trussは洒落気を出した様です。

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