English Collection


crawl out of the woodwork

2013年12月24日 | 英語学習
簡単そうに見える単語でも意味が分からないのが英語です。おそらくこんな状態は一生続きそうです。今日採り上げる単語もRing by Koji Suzukiの小説からです。
Every publisher in the country had been deluged with accounts and photographs of supernatural experiences, every one of them a hoax. Oguri had wondered what the world was coming to. He had figured that he had a pretty good handle on the way the world worked, but he just couldn't think of a convincing explanation for that kind of thing. It was utterly preposterous, the number of "contributors" that had crawled out of the woodwork.
"woodwork" は木工製品の意味があると思えますが、ここではそれでは通じません。"woodwork" を辞書で見てもそのような意味しか見あたりませんでしたが、"come/crawl out of the woodwork" の項で次ぎの説明がありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to appear after having been hidden or not active for a long time: After you've been in a relationship for a while all sorts of little secrets start to come out of the woodwork.
・Wiktionary:(idiomatic) to appear or emerge as though out of nowhere, frequently in large numbers or quantity: He won the lottery last year and he has had old "friends" and distant relatives coming out of the woodwork ever since.
・Macmillan Dictionary: to suddenly appear after a long time, especially for unpleasant reasons: After he had won the lottery, several old friends came crawling out of the woodwork.
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