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I promised myself that when I recovered from the trauma of that experience

2017-07-08 09:44:49 | 日記

I was totally devastated. Although I gained a wealth of knowledge about and coping with infidelity and recognizing the telltale signs, for me, this knowledge came too late. Armed with this book and her personal knowledge of her husband, she’ll be able to easily spot the warning signs. It was so far-fetched that I didn’t even give it serious consideration. People who knew us -- even strangers, (male and female) often commented on what a perfect couple we were. It’s the book I wish I’d had when those first telltale signs began to crop up in my marriage. Since Max’s wife, Wendy was a friend of mine, I told her what I heard. Wendy’s Story- Another Infidelity Victim On one tape, Frank mentioned a birthday he’d recently attended which was given by his best friend Max. For legal reasons, the names have been changed to protect the guilty as well as the innocent.

But I promised myself that when I recovered from the trauma of that experience, I would share this information with other women in similar situations. Frank and I eventually got a divorce. More importantly, she can take steps to prepare herself mentally, financially and legally for the possibility that her marriage may come to an end. Just pick up a newspaper or listen to the nightly news. She even confiscated a gift for Max’s lover that he’d hidden in the trunk of his car. (Ironically, he too, was cheated on, with disastrous and traumatic results. The purpose is to make women aware of what’s already going on. A Multitude of Telltale Signs Is He Cheating on You? is probably the largest collection of telltaIe signs ever compiled. Yet the media continues to treat infidelity as a form of entertainment. Our marriage (my second and Frank’s third) was the envy of all our friends. Believe me, in this day and age, you can’t afford to be the last one to know. The future of her marriage may well depend on her ability to recognize the telltale signs in time. In light of my discovery, I now saw Frank’s behavior through different eyes. Many of the odd things Frank said and did suddenly began to make sense. It was written to make women aware of the many telltale signs that indicate possible infidelity.

It can affect couples of any race, creed, color or economic background. The Infidelity Statistics are Shocking It was shocking read the statistics citing how widespread infidelity is. Sharing Information with Other Women This book, and my website www. women who’ve been cheated on in the past want to make sure it doesn’t happen again, women who are trying to reconcile with a cheating husband and want reassurance that the affair is no longer going on women who think it could NEVER happen to them (no one is immune) women who know their husbands are cheating and want to get solid proof women who want to know ahead of time what to look for, in case it ever happens to them women who in view of the high infidelity statistics Mechanical Hardware want to know where they stand in their current relationship single women who want to avoid entering into or staying in a relationship with a cheater Men who suspect their wives of cheating (many of the signs are universal and apply to both sexes), people with female friends or relatives who are being cheated on and who are in denial people who don’t know how to tell a woman her husband is cheating give her the book and let her find out for herself No Marriage is Immune to Infidelity One of the most surprising things I learned about infidelity is that no marriage is immune. My research led to my writing a series of infidelity articles based on information gleaned from leading marriage and family therapists. With Is He Cheating on You? every wife now has an affordably priced tool to keep her from being the last to know. She will have had no chance to try to get her marriage back on track, or to prepare herself emotionally or protect herself from the devastation that lies ahead. What’s different about Is He Cheating on You? is that it tells women how to spot the warning signs of infidelity without using gadgets, surveillance equipment or private investigators. Rich or poor, young or old, newlywed or approaching a fiftieth anniversary infidelity can happen to anyone even you. The Purpose of This Book The purpose of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs is not to make women suspicious of their husbands. Infidelity touches 80% of all marriages. For months I agonized over how things might have turned out differently if I’d recognized the signs when they first began to appear.


9 Years of Research and a Promise At the time there were less than 5 books available on the subject of infidelity. A Final Word To any woman who suspects her husband of cheating, I implore you - for your peace of mind, for your physical health (think HIV/AIDS and other STDs), for your mental and emotional well-being, and for the future financial well-being of yourself and your children too -- find out if what you suspect is true. Infidelity can occur even in happy marriages. Interspersed between the interviews, were revealing conversations he’d had with or about the women with whom he was involved. To insure the accuracy of my notes, I always tape my interviews using a recording device attached to my office phone. I later learned that many telltale signs begin to crop up when a man first starts think seriously about infidelity. This is important information that no woman should be without. As I struggled to make sense of what was happening, I began earnestly researching the topic of infidelity so I could find out how to handle the situation. It documents hundreds of signs of infidelity, including a multitude of little-known telltale signs not listed anywhere else. NOTE: Despite my traumatic experience with Frank, the story does have a happy ending.

Even after the cover was designed, I continued to add telltale signs until the final version of the manuscript was sent to shinehe the printer. If she’s oblivious to the fact that her marriage may be in jeopardy, by the time she finds out what’s happening, it may be too late. Though they vary from study to study, the most widely accepted figures indicate that between 50 and 70 percent of married men (between 38 and 53 million men) have cheated or will cheat on their wives. Millions of acts of infidelity go undetected every day.com are my way of sharing all the information I gathered about infidelity, with other women in this traumatic situation. Wendy also found out exactly where and when the birthday party had taken place, how much it cost, the names of several guests who attended, and verified that that Max was indeed the person who arranged and paid for the event. Desperate for information, I endured the embarrassment of purchasing them at my local bookstore.). Few people other than its victims take it seriously. Unsuspecting women need an easy-to-use, reliable, inexpensive tool to help them find out the truth about what’s going on. I’ve read hundreds of articles, studies and transcripts on infidelity and spent countless hours surfing the Net checking out websites, chat rooms, forums, message boards and discussion lists that deal with infidelity and related issues. Working one single piece of information, Wendy conducted what I consider to be a masterpiece of detective work.
