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英作問題 『睡眠』答と考え方11、12

2015-03-29 15:23:45 | 英作 解答

11. 彼はいつも寝起きが悪い。


・He has trouble waking up in the morning.
・It is tough(=difficult/ not easy/hard )for him to wake up ( get up なら起き上がる).
・He has problems waking up in the morning.

・He needs more than two alarm clocks to wake up in the morning.

・He just can't get up in the morning because he always feels so sleepy and tired.
・He feels too tired and sleepy to wake up in the morning. ( too~to →~すぎて~できない)

・He feels terrible in the morning after he wakes up. He still feels very sleepy and he can't do anything.

・He feels like a dead man after he wakes up in the morning.


朝型の人a morning personであり、
(夜型はa night person, a night owl)

・I can jump out of bed in the morning.
・I feel refreshed when I wake up.
・I am quite active in the morning.
・I feel energetic (powerful) when I wake up.
・I am full of energy when I wake up.
・I feel happy (hopeful) when I wake up.
・My eyes are wide open after I wake up.
・I am ready to work right after I get up.
・I have no trouble waking up in the morning.


諺で、An early bird catches a worm. とある。

早起きは三文の得。早起きの鳥は、虫を捕まえる。続きがあり、An early worm gets caught.

Think twice before you become a morning person, especially if you are a worm!


12. 昼寝をすると、仕事の能率があがる。

→昼寝は、take a nap. もちろん get some sleep after lunch break. や、 sleep for a while in the afternoon ということ。

仕事の能率が上がるとは、efficient, productive 等を使って
・Taking a nap after lunch break will make your work more efficient.
・You will be more productive at work if you can sleep for a while in the afternoon.

・Taking an afternoon nap will help you to get more work done.
・You can finish more work if you sleep a little (while) in the afternoon.

能率があがるとは、頑張れる(work hard)
・You can work harder with some sleep after lunch break.

昼寝は力(power, energy)を与える。
・An afternoon sleep (nap) gives you more power at work.

・Good work comes from a short sleep after your lunch break.

先の『寝る子は育つ』Sleep well, live well.を活用して、sleep well, work well. 昼寝なので
・Nap well, work well. などどうか。
well であまり長く寝られたら、会社も困るが。


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英作問題 『睡眠』答と考え方9、10

2015-03-27 01:03:33 | 英作 解答

9. 日曜日は、いつも寝だめする。


・I sleep longer on Sundays, because I don't sleep long enough on weekdays.

sleep long, sleep a lot, sleep more, sleep long hours, sleep well 等で。

sleep short hours, sleep less, sleep little ,
not long enough 等の語句を使ったらよい。


・(People believe) they can make up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping more on the weekends.

・Can you really catch up on lost sleep?

睡眠不足を借金(sleep debt) としている表現もある。
・to repay your sleep debt.
専門家は、Sleep debt can not be repaid. 寝だめは出来ないと言っている。

関連して、bank をつかって、
・Some people try to bank extra sleep.
bank で(睡眠を)貯める=寝だめという表現もある。

sleep in で、朝寝する (=sleep late) がある。
・I like to sleep in over the weekends.
・I'll sleep in on Sunday.

yahoo answer の米国版で
Does sleep accumulate?という質問があった。
Your body doesn't accumulate sleep.
との回答。 accumulateが 『寝だめ』のイメージに近くて興味深い。

10. 彼は寝相が悪い。

・He moves a lot in his sleep.
・He makes a lot of body movements in his sleep.

・His body is very active during his sleep.

・He moves his arms and legs heavily in his sleep.

・He kicks and punches in his sleep.

じっとしていない restless を使い、
・He is restless in his sleep.

・He keeps moving during his sleep.


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英作問題 『睡眠』答と考え方7、8

2015-03-24 18:36:10 | 英作 解答

7. 8時間寝ないと寝た気がしない。

・I still feel sleepy. I need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
・If I don't sleep for 8 hours, I still feel so sleepy.
・I actually slept, but I still feel very sleepy. I need 8-hour sleep.

8. 熟睡するためには、日中の適度な運動が望ましい。

→熟睡は、deep sleepや、sleeping well. get a good night's sleep など。

a moderate amount of exercise.
do some sports.
do some workout.
do some exercise.

・It's important to do some exercise in the daytime to sleep well at night.


・Why don't you run or walk in the daytime? You can sleep very well at night.

・Go to the gym. You can sleep well at night.

・Move your body so you can sleep well at night.

・Move around more to sleep well at night.

・Don't sit still if you want a good night's sleep.
・Don't just sit all day if you really want to sleep well at night.



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2015-03-22 18:36:48 | 英作 解答
5. 彼のいびきはうるさい。

→『いびき』はsnore 。
・His snoring is just unbearable.
(Unbearable =耐えられない)
・I can't stand his snoring while he sleeps.
・His snores are too loud for me to sleep.
・His snoring is so loud that I can't sleep.

snore を使わなかったら?
・He is noisy while he sleeps.

・I want him to sleep quietly at night. I can't always sleep.

・Will someone shut his mouth (make him quiet) because he is so noisy while he's sleeping?

6. 彼は不眠症だ。

→問題2 の『睡眠不足』のところで触れたが、
不眠症( insomnia) という病気は、要は薬なしでは、夜間眠られないということ
・He can't sleep without the help of sleeping pills.
・He never gets sleepy if he doesn't take the medicine for sleep.
・He has a problem with his sleep. He sees a doctor for that.

・He has trouble falling asleep. He is sick.
・Medicine helps him to sleep at night.
・Sleeping is not easy unless he takes sleeping pills.
・He doesn't know how he can fall asleep if he doesn't use the sleeping pills.

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英作問題 『睡眠』答と考え方4

2015-03-21 19:26:43 | 英作 解答

4. 寝る子は育つ。

→育つとは?grow (up)を使うと
・Sleep well, grow well. などどうか。
・Love well, whip well. というのがある。可愛い子には旅をさせよ、という意味。
whip はムチ。愛しているが故に厳しさも必要ということ。ウェブで検証したら、ニュージーランドのある市役所のホームページの児童福祉のページで Sleep well, grow wellという記述があった。

well, well の文は他にも、
・Well fed, well bred.
fed は食事を与えるfeed, bredは、育てるbreed のそれぞれ過去分詞形。衣食足りて礼節を知る、という意味。
味の素の宣伝で、Eat well, live well. とある。興味深い。ちなみに、live well というと、アイルランドの古諺にこういうのがある。
・Don't cry, just revenge. The best revenge is to live well. 泣くなら、復讐するんだ。一番の復讐は、お前が幸せになって、見返すことだ。

Live well というと、ソクラテス の言葉を想い出す。
・The really important thing is not just to live, but to live well. 人生の目的は、ただ生きるのではなく、善く生きること。目的も知らされず生きている我々のこの人生とは一体なんぞや。
The unexamined life is not worth living. という哲人の言葉が耳に痛い。


・Sleeping is important for children to grow healthy.(healthily)
・Children must sleep well to live in a healthy way (lifestyle).
・A good night's sleep is necessary for a healthy growth of our children.
・Sleeping well makes kids smarter.
・Sleeping well makes children responsible adults.

・A lack of sleep make them bad boys and girls.

3/18 は、world sleeping day と制定されているらしく、関連のホームページに、
・Children who sleep well grow healthy, happy and strong. というのがあった。「寝る子は育つ』に近い。

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