You have your own aromatic

You have your own aromatic

The programme for the

2016-12-08 11:45:14 | Experience

The programme for the next day having thus been made clear, they talked together about other things until they fell asleep .

At dawn they were astir, and now they must no longer trust to their skates, but make their way overland with utmost caution, lest at any moment a Canadian scout or Iroquois brave should be upon them from behind a tree.

Seth had only a general idea of the position of that fort and its relation to the surrounding country; but he was a scout by instinct, and Reuben followed him with admiration and implicit obedience as he skilfully made his way through the thick forest, his object being to reach an elevation from which he could command a clear view of Ticonderoga nu skin hk .

Advancing slowly and with many detours the two daring youths at last accomplished their purpose without their presence being discovered or suspected by the enemy, shortly before mid-day gaining a point of view that was precisely what they sought.

They were on the high bluffs immediately opposite Ticonderoga, from which they were separated only by a narrow stretch of water, and, while keeping themselves perfectly concealed among the trees, they could see everything that was going on in and around the fort.

This is fine! exclaimed Seth gleefully as he lay flat on the ground and fixed his gaze upon the enemy's stronghold. What would they think if they knew that we were up here watching them? I reckon they'd send a party after us pretty quick.

That they would, said Reuben, with a pretence of a shiver, for he was not really in any fear, and they'd not deal any too gently with us either, would they?

No, sir, responded Seth. That's not their way, but they're not going to have the chance if I can help it .
