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The World Is Going Down With Trump

2017-06-26 02:47:33 | 翻訳記事 Translation

As the US ruling coalition, did not he have predicted that Trump would win the election at all?

And did not Trump itself think the same way?

That is, the scenario where Hillary wins the game is out.

I wondered Trump did a number of discrimination remarks during the election.

What you can do for Trump who turned towards the public might be about maintaining the stock price of Twitter.

But it is meaningless to say that now.

Some of what he promised would have pursued corruption
Is not it a cry of the citizens to keep that commitment?

Trump who is disliked by the ruling party should want to put the people on the side.

At that time, the people are not deceived by propaganda of the ruling layer.

Beware of major media.

Nobody wants to Go Down With Trump.
Do you?

It is a passive choice
Is there any other way?
Trump is better than Hillary.











June 23, 2017 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article
The World Is Going Down With Trump

Paul Craig Roberts

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On June 21 the editorial board of the Washington Post, long a propaganda instrument believed to be in cahoots with the CIA and the deep state, called for more sanctions and more pressure on Russia.

One second’s thought is sufficient to realize how bad this advice is. The orchestrated demonization of Russia and its president began in the late summer of 2013 when the British Parliament and Russian diplomacy blocked the neoconned Obama regime’s planned invasion of Syria. An example had to be made of Russia before other countries began standing up to Washington. While the Russians were focused on the Sochi Olympic Games, Washington staged a coup in Ukraine, replacing the elected democratic government with a gang of Banderite neo-nazi thugs whose forebears fought for Hitler in World War II. Washington claimed it had brought democracy to Ukraine by putting neo-nazi thugs in control of the government.

Washington’s thugs immediately began violent attacks on the Russian population in Ukraine. Soviet war memorials were destroyed. The Russian language was declared banned from official use. Instantly, separatist movements began in the Russian parts of Ukraine that had been administratively attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders. Crimea, a Russian province since the 1700s, voted overwhelmingly to seperate from Ukraine and requested to be reunited with Russia. The same occurred in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

These independent actions were misrepresented by Washington and the presstitutes who whore for Washington as a “Russian invasion.” Despite all facts to the contrary, this misrepresentation continues today. In US foreign policy, facts are not part of the analysis.

The most important fact that is overlooked by the Washington Post and the Russophobic members of the US government is that it is an act of insanity to call for more punishment and more pressure on a country with a powerful military and strategic nuclear capability whose military high command and government have already concluded that Washington is preparing a surprise nuclear attack.

Are the Washington Post editors trying to bring on nuclear armageddon? If there was any intelligence present in the Washington Post, the newspaper would be urging that President Trump immediately call President Putin with reassurances and arrange the necessary meetings to defuse the situation. Instead the utterly stupid editors urge actions that can only raise the level of tension. It should be obvious even to the Washington Post morons that Russia is not going to sit there, shaking in its boots, and wait for Washington’s attack. Putin has issued many warnings about the West’s rising threat to Russian security. He has said that Russia “will never again fight a war on its own territory.” He has said that the lesson he has learned is that “if a fight is unavoidable, strike first.” He has also said that the fact that no one hears his warnings makes the situation even more dangerous.

What explains the deafness of the West? The answer is arrogance and hubris.

As the presstitute media is incapable of reason, I will do their job for them. I call for an immediate face-to-face meeting between Trump and Putin at Reykjavik. Cold War II, begun by Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, must be ended now.

So, where is President Trump? Why is the President of the United States unable to rise to the challenge? Why isn’t he the man Ronald Reagan was? Is it, as David Stockman says, that Trump is incapable of anything except tweeting?

Why hasn’t President Trump long ago ordered all intercepts of Russian chatter gathered, declassified, and made public? Why hasn’t Trump launched a criminal prosecution against John Brennan, Susan Rice, Comey, and the rest of the hit squad that is trying to destroy him?

Why has Trump disarmed himself with an administration chosen by Russiaphobes and Israel?

As David Stockman writes, Trump “is up against a Deep State/Dem/Neocon/mainstream media prosecution” and “has no chance of survival short of an aggressive offensive” against those working to destroy him. But there is no Trump offensive, “because the man is clueless about what he is doing in the White House and is being advised by a cacophonous coterie of amateurs and nincompoops. So he has no action plan except to impulsively reach for his Twitter account.”

Our president twitters while he and Earth itself are pushed toward destruction.


Paul Craig Roberts





こうした個々の行動がワシントンと、提灯持ち売女マスコミによって、 “ロシア侵略”として事実を曲げて伝えられる。逆を示すあらゆる事実にもかかわらず、この事実歪曲は今も続いている。アメリカ外交政策において事実は分析対象ではないのだ。


ワシントン・ポストの編集者連中には、核のハルマゲドンをもたらそうとしているのだろうか? ワシントン・ポストに、もし多少の知性が残っていれば、新聞は、トランプ大統領は、すぐさまプーチン大統領に電話をかけて、安心させ、状況を緩和するための必要な会談を設定するよう促しているはずだ。ところが、徹底的に愚かな編集委員連中は、緊張のレベルを上げるだけでしかない行動を強く促しているのだ。ロシアが恐怖でがたがた震え、座視して、ワシントンによる攻撃を待っているはずがないのは、ワシントン・ポストのまぬけ連中にさえ明らかなはずだ。プーチンは、ロシア安全保障に対する欧米の脅威の高まりについて何度も警告を発している。彼はロシアは“二度と自国領内で戦争をすることはしない”と述べている。彼が学んだ教訓は“もし戦闘が不可避なら、先制攻撃する”ことだと言っている。彼は、誰も彼の警告に耳を傾けないことで、状況は益々悪化しているとも言っている。

欧米が耳が聞こえない理由は一体何だろう? 答えは尊大と傲慢だ。


トランプ大統領は何をしているのだろう? アメリカ大統領は一体なぜ立ち上がって反撃できないのだろう? 一体なぜ彼は、ロナルド・レーガンがそうであったような男にならないのだろう? デイビット・ストックマンが言うように、トランプはツイート以外は何もできないのだろうか?

一体なぜトランプ大統領は、ずっと前に、ロシアとのおしゃべり盗聴を全て集め、機密解除し、公表するよう命じなかったのだろう? 一体なぜトランプは、ジョン・ブレナンやスーザン・ライスやコミーや、彼を破滅させようとしている他の殺し屋連中に対して刑事訴追しないのだろう?




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