Iggy's blog

A Japanese international student's journal at Chicago.

Meetings, meetings and meetings

2005-03-08 12:03:29 | Weblog
I'm a student at a business school, so I have to have lots of meetings. All meetings are very interesting but exhausting a little bit.

I met several new people at the different meetings. The most impressive person is a Japanese businessman who lives in Arlington Heights. He was a student at Waseda University and has been working in the computer system industry, same as me. He gave us several proposals about our marriage life.

And also the Vice Provost of our school is interesting. He is very good at ice breaking at meetings. I enjoyed the meeting time with a great effectiveness.

Meeting people is extremely fun! I should brush up my English communication ability to get more excellent experiences. Keep it up!


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2008-03-28 21:33:14
わたしはIITビジネススクール受験を考えている者です。A small business at downtown Chicago拝見しました。