Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

セカンドステップ・その11 (The Second Step vol.11)

2016-12-14 21:45:53 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)

How's it going today?

It's quite sudden, but I want to write aboout another Second Step series today.

On the last Second Step article, I said my ovulation cycle got messed up since I was sick from overwork.

On the next month, I paid more attention to my ovulation cycle and checked if I'm ovulated or not for a longer time and more frequently.

And surprisingly, I wasn't ovulated at all in this cycle.

I actually hadn't had any problem with ovulation, so I was so surprised that I wasn't ovulated at all.

I assume it was because I got sick from overwork.

Andy called the hospital and asked my doctor if we should see him to talk about it and made a next appointment.

で、その次の月、Hit-chanは気楽に「今月はDr. Rの診察を受けるから、人工授精はパスかなぁ。」と考えていたんですが、念のため排卵チェックをしたら、ちょうど予定日当たりに検査薬が陽性に!
And in the next month, I was kind of being lazy and thinking like "Oh well, I'm gonna see Dr. R this month anyways, so it's not a big deal to skip insemination this month." Still, I was checking my ovulation cycle and found out that I was ovulated!

I think I got completely recovered and got my normal cycle back.

Like I said, I was king of going to skip insemination on this cycle, but Andy was way more willing to do insemination this time and made an appointment for the next insemination on the next day.

On the day, we went to the lab to take Andy's semen at 6am.

Actually, in the morning, it was very stormy out and we couldn't even see 10 feet away because of the hard rain on the way to the hospital. So, Andy and I were joking, "Whether it's going to work out or not, today's gonna be so memorable!"

Then, we had a breakfast at Perkin's since my insemination appointment was at 8am.

So, we returned to the hospital after the breakfast.

At the last time, I went through the procedure by myself, but I asked Andy to come with me since I knew I was going to have 15mins to lay down after the insemination

Thanks to the company, I could have some fun chat time with him for the 15 mins after the insemination.

We actually had a different female doctor do the insemination from the last time, but she's so easygoing and got nicely the procedure done.

I assume she's met lots of couples going through infertility treatment, so she was nicely telling us

"If you don't get in your cycle within 35 days, you are pregnant. A lot of couples go through insemination 3 or 4 times. I know it's so hard, but keep the stress away from you."


Thankfully, both Andy and I haven't got too crazy or desperate so far and I think it good that we've been going through all the things at our pace.

Okay, this is how we did our 2nd insemination.

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