one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ルータ設定終了 mettre une détoureuse

2013-06-16 23:27:22 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

I've just finished setting the router. Don't ask me how many times I failed setting. Lololol.

When I write this article, I must flip several Japanese-French dictionary to find the French words equivalent to English words, "setting router" in vain.
I give it up to search the word in the paper dictionaries. I search the on-line-dictionaries.
After finding the words, "mettre une détoureuse", I flip paper dictionaries.
Surely détoureuse exists, but the meaning is " to kid-nap." I should better to buy a newest Japanese-French one. lololol



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Of Dictionary (san turtlepro)
2013-06-22 08:49:36
My dictionary online has a new item, point three, to "twitter" (see Oxford Advanced American Dictionary). I like item one. It seems me like a pink ice cream with cap. It's cute like a Teddy bear. My favorite is a leaf wrapping the ice.

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