one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


一灯三面 un réverbère

2016-03-26 21:06:44 | nocategory(雑)

Je trouve un abat-jour du réverbère sous le pont du chemin de fer Asukayama. Il a trois trous et une ampoule pour ne pas éclairer le chemin de fer et les trains. Ce n'est que pour des piétons.

I found a shade of the street lamp on the Asukayama railroad bridge.
It has three holes and one light bulb not to light the railroad and trains. It's for the walkers only.

(飛鳥山跨線橋、Ohji, Kita ward)



コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
こんばんは (iwamoto)
2016-03-26 23:01:19
Good morining, Iwamoto san (Cakeater)
2016-03-27 11:15:58
I associate Gando with this lamp shade.
Gando: 龕灯 synonym for 強盗提灯( Gohtoh-Chohchin , burglar's hand light)or 忍び提灯 (Shinobi-Chochin, ninja hand lamp)
Unknown (Turtlepro)
2016-03-28 05:57:51
Seems me like a glass half filled with whisky. It's good for warm feets.
Unknown (Cakeater)
2016-05-07 21:00:11
So sorry for so so late response.
It's possible to say that here are two glasses combined at the bottoms. You say it just right. haha

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