
中央大学 趣味登山


2010-11-19 14:07:18 | Weblog


                         The English school

H: I give a quiz. What is in this bag ?

P: Animal or Plant ?

H: Hmm...she is almost 1. Our little baby is a young lady. < I am joking>

P: Mice or Frog ?

H: Touch is OK, But please dont open the bag.  How do you think ?   ....Snake...?

    Quiet down class!

P: Are you teasing me.

H: No, I am not teasing you. well, maybe I am teasing you just a little.....

P: Understand, Cat!

H: No, Cat.      I will give a hint.

No 1   This is harvested from our farm.

No 2   Original home is Andes south America.

No 3   Inpoted from Noth Korea in 1970.

P: ........Yakon ?

 ピンポーン! Yakon is very  useful, and it has many recipies. Kaind of baundcake,beers. Yakon is called a healthy food. I cook is salad, deep-fried food at dinner.  It is organic vegitable.  This is a present for you.













2 コメント

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Unknown (石田)
2010-12-02 10:04:55
How are you?
I haven't written to you for a long time.

I know that you're a hard worker.
So I suppose that you've studied in English a lot.

From yesterday,we got snow in my town.
I decorated a christmas tree with my husband in my house.
I'm looking forward to white christmas!!

See you!!
Unknown (Unknown)
2010-12-06 08:57:59
Thanks for the message.

I am proud of you.

