
From Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, ch. 10

『ロビンソン・クルーソーの冒険の一生』 第10章より



これらの恩恵は大きかった。好きなときにやぎの肉を食べられるだけでなく、ミルクも手に入るようになったからだ。これはまったく想定外のことで、うれしい驚きだった。毎日一、二ガロンのミルクが手に入るのだ。自然の女神はすべての生きものに食べものを与えるのみならず、その使いかたも教えてくれるというが、これはまさにそのとおりだった。だから、牛ややぎの乳しぼりをしたことがなく、バターやチーズのつくりかたも小さい頃に見たきりだったわたしでも、だいぶ試行錯誤をしたのちに、これらをつくれるようになった。塩もつくれるようになった。(海の岩の上で日に焼かれてできているのを見たからだ。) いずれにせよ、これらの不足に困ることはもうなくなった。わたしたちをつくりたもうた神は、なんと慈悲深いことか! もう死ぬしかない、滅びるしかない、と思ったときにこれほどの恵みを垂れてくださるとは! このうえなくつらい運命をなんと心地よいものにかえてくださることか! 牢獄・監獄のようなところにとらわれていながら、わたしは神をほめたたえずにはいられない! 本当にすばらしい食卓を神は用意してくださった! こんな荒れはてた土地にたどりつき、もう飢えて死ぬしかない、と思っていたところだったのに!

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Daniel Defoe
From The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, ch. 10

I was about three months hedging in the first piece; and, till I had done it, I tethered the three kids in the best part of it, and used them to feed as near me as possible, to make them familiar; and very often I would go and carry them some ears of barley, or a handful of rice, and feed them out of my hand; so that after my enclosure was finished and I let them loose, they would follow me up and down, bleating after me for a handful of corn.

This answered my end, and in about a year and a half I had a flock of about twelve goats, kids and all; and in two years more I had three-and-forty, besides several that I took and killed for my food. After that, I enclosed five several pieces of ground to feed them in, with little pens to drive them to take them as I wanted, and gates out of one piece of ground into another.

But this was not all; for now I not only had goat’s flesh to feed on when I pleased, but milk too―a thing which, indeed, in the beginning, I did not so much as think of, and which, when it came into my thoughts, was really an agreeable surprise, for now I set up my dairy, and had sometimes a gallon or two of milk in a day. And as Nature, who gives supplies of food to every creature, dictates even naturally how to make use of it, so I, that had never milked a cow, much less a goat, or seen butter or cheese made only when I was a boy, after a great many essays and miscarriages, made both butter and cheese at last, also salt (though I found it partly made to my hand by the heat of the sun upon some of the rocks of the sea), and never wanted it afterwards. How mercifully can our Creator treat His creatures, even in those conditions in which they seemed to be overwhelmed in destruction! How can He sweeten the bitterest providences, and give us cause to praise Him for dungeons and prisons! What a table was here spread for me in the wilderness, where I saw nothing at first but to perish for hunger!

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