

Play back ちいチャン物語(85)英語バージョン『空を飛ぶ白い鳥』

2017年02月21日 18時59分17秒 | 日記

There are flying white birds in the sky.

The weather is very good.

Chii and grandma are walking on the sandy beach.

The sky is dazzling blue and there are white scattering clouds.

The clouds stays still as if they forgot moving.

There are a lot of white birds in the sky.

They cry “Miu! Miu!”

“There are a lot of the gulls(Umineko)” says the grandma.

“The gull(Umineko)?”asked Chii.

“Look! A lot of them are frying”answers the grandma.

“Grandma! They are birds. they are not cats.”

And grandma is smiling and teaches her.

“Their voice sounds like cat voice, so the birds a recalled gull(Umineko)”she said.

And she sits sown on the steps and looks at the sea.

The sky and the sea meet together and the boundary draws a line.

If you fold the two from the line, they fit perfectly.

Yet there’s a slight difference between the blue of the two.

Chii sits near the grandma.

“Grandma! Cat is crying Nyann”

Chii wonders.

She is looking at a lot of white birds.

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