toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )



3 コメント

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Unknown (Mr. Lazy)
2015-02-28 11:58:02
It's so true. If time and tide wait for you, and if you are about to kiss her on the place wherever you like, the time and tide would set you back to your meeting stage from which you must be making big efforts to come to the kissing stage.
Saying (Jinteki Service )
2015-03-01 11:24:52
Time proverb is a lot of proverb.
Tjme flies like an arrow.
Time flees away without delay.
Time has wings.
Time and tide tarries no man.
The tide tarrieth for no man.
Time stays for no man.
Unknown (Mr. Lazy)
2015-03-01 20:30:32
Sure, I know what you like to say. Time flies like an arrow.
But they say speed of time in cities is much faster than it in local town of inaka. I wish to stay on tiny island in the South Pacific where time passes like an tortoise.
