

Essay代写-Great influence of river

2017-09-04 17:01:45 | 日記
本篇Essay代写-great influence of river讲了河流在政治,社会,宗教等方面对水文文明有很大的影响。据历史学家卡尔•维特福格尔(Karl Wittfogel)介绍,水文文明指的是依靠河流的农业体系文化,政府必须组织大型水务设施,即灌溉几英里的土地,控制洪水。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

This short essay argues that river has great influence on hydraulic civilizations on the aspects of politics, society and religion.
Hydraulic civilization, according to historian Karl Wittfogel, refers to the civilisation that has agricultural system that is dependent on rivers, where government has to organize large-scale waterworks, which is to irrigate miles of fields and control the flood. In these countries, social and government structures always maintain the power in order to send people to finish the great projects. Therefore, these countries are always characterized by the system of levels of status and the centralizing of power.
For the early hydraulic civilizations, people mastered the skills of agriculture. They began settle down instead of being nomads and communities were formed. People are more willing to settle down near the river, for it is convenient to irrigate and find potable water. Many years later, there is class in the communities because of inequality of richness. Gradually countries and cities appear.
For the most ancient civilizations, such as ancient Egypt, ancient India and China, their first civilizations were hydraulic empires. In order to finish the great projects, power centralizing and bureaucracies are always necessary. Therefore, political power is always centralized by the monarchs in these countries. We can easily find examples from the governing of Pharaohs in Egypt, the system of caste of India, and the emperors of China.
The rivers or agriculture highly influence on people's lives, for in most parts of their lives they are on agricultural producing. People work early as the sun rise and rest when the sun set. People are closed because they produce to feed themselves, thus they have no demands of communication. People worked together, in which family is the main form of producing unit. Therefore, kinship is highly emphasized. It can be found that in China the theory of ethics, especially Confucianism was popular. Pharaohs marriage with family members to keep the purity of lineage also can be the example.
The instability of rivers and climates may cause great disaster, while people were hoping for good harvest. People began worshipping the transnatural power, causing the birth of different religions in various countries. For Egypt, India and China, Gods were always the symbols of harvesting or prosperity. On the other hand, the monarchs of hydraulic countries are always the highest priest of their country like Pharaohs. However, the over-emphasis of kinship under the patriarchal clan system, monarchs didn't highlight the status of priest.


Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown

2017-09-04 16:54:25 | 日記
本篇Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown讲了人类思考人类的动机是为了这个故事的发展的目的。希望这个故事的叙述可以帮助绝大多数人类变得人性化。这样,人们就不会感到别人的冷漠,所以他们仍然可以期待周围的人和事物。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In Young Goodman Brown, it is the aim of leading human beings to think about humanity that motivates the development of this story. It is hoped that the narration of this story can help the great majority of human beings to be humane. In this way, people won’t feel the indifference from others so that they can still be hopeful toward the surrounding people and things.
The storyteller is able to tell this story via describing what has happened to a Christian named Brown. To put it more specifically, it has described Brown who held the firm belief in humanity in the first beginning. While he lost all his faith toward all the surrounding people later. The storyteller has mentioned that Goodman Brown has ever shouted in agony and desperation of “Faith” and he can not find it (Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835). What is worse, even his wife Faith had also performed some bad behaviors the same as other noble people in the forest. As a result, he became despaired and did not believe in anyone and anything.
The attitudes of Brown’s wife Faith toward Brown before he left home and in the forest are quite different, which enables me to understand the world being created to a certain degree. Moreover, the bad behaviors performed by those noble people in the forest also add up to my understanding toward that world. In the meantime, the change of Brown’s mood before his leaving home and his returning home has, to a large degree, helped me to understand that world.
Works Cited
Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835. Young Goodman Brown.


Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown

2017-09-04 16:54:25 | 日記
本篇Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown讲了人类思考人类的动机是为了这个故事的发展的目的。希望这个故事的叙述可以帮助绝大多数人类变得人性化。这样,人们就不会感到别人的冷漠,所以他们仍然可以期待周围的人和事物。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In Young Goodman Brown, it is the aim of leading human beings to think about humanity that motivates the development of this story. It is hoped that the narration of this story can help the great majority of human beings to be humane. In this way, people won’t feel the indifference from others so that they can still be hopeful toward the surrounding people and things.
The storyteller is able to tell this story via describing what has happened to a Christian named Brown. To put it more specifically, it has described Brown who held the firm belief in humanity in the first beginning. While he lost all his faith toward all the surrounding people later. The storyteller has mentioned that Goodman Brown has ever shouted in agony and desperation of “Faith” and he can not find it (Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835). What is worse, even his wife Faith had also performed some bad behaviors the same as other noble people in the forest. As a result, he became despaired and did not believe in anyone and anything.
The attitudes of Brown’s wife Faith toward Brown before he left home and in the forest are quite different, which enables me to understand the world being created to a certain degree. Moreover, the bad behaviors performed by those noble people in the forest also add up to my understanding toward that world. In the meantime, the change of Brown’s mood before his leaving home and his returning home has, to a large degree, helped me to understand that world.
Works Cited
Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835. Young Goodman Brown.


英国expository essay写作技巧

2017-09-04 16:51:35 | 日記
Expository Essay顾名思义也就是说明文,很多留学生都搞不清楚Expository和Argument的区别,常常把两者混为一谈。其实很简单:Expository 是为了让你的tutor了解情况、明白事理、知道真伪,一般不确立什么论点,而Argument是需要确立论点,而且还得好几个。今天,我们51due代写平台将为大家讲解英国expository essay写作技巧。

首先要清楚expository essay是没有争议和论点的,只需要描述别人的观点或者一个事件或情况的表述让读者知道就可以了。
a. 时间充裕的同学先写草稿,时间紧迫的同学可以大致写一个outline就可以了,这个过程可以帮助大家整个写作过程更加容易组织语言和富有逻辑条理;
b. 为expository essay确定一个比较容易入手的题目,HotEssay建议不要太宽泛,也不要太狭窄;
c. 确保你的tutor熟悉你选择的题目或主题;
d. 找到事实基础来支撑你的expository essay;
e. 尽管说明文的目标是表述事实,但有趣的叙事会让读者更加愿意阅读。
2.介绍 (Introduction)部分的写作
a. 对于expository essay来说,一般文章的hook sentence就需要表述清楚行文方向和梗概;
b. 论点语句非常重要,你的目标是尽可能清晰的阐述你要准备阐述的事实概况;
c. 确保你的总体论点(概要)对你的全篇论文有效;
d. 如果老师分配了一个主题,那么不要在第一句话中重申主题。
3.主体 (Main body)部分的写作

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2017-09-04 16:48:15 | 日記

1、 标题。即论文的题目、题名,标在第一行的正中。毕业论文的标题应简洁鲜明,质朴无华,准确得体,以新、奇、特等吸引读者。毕业论文的标题不宜过长,应直接地、正面地揭示论文的主要内容。
