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If you wear Santa hats in Israeli highschool...(Jan 2, 2014)

2014-01-02 21:10:15 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

・School bars students from celebrating New Year with Santa hats(2013年12月31日 ynetnews.com)
・תלמידים לא הורשו לחבוש כובעי סנטה קלאוס(2013年12月31日 ynet.co.il;ヘブライ語)

以下、2013年12月31日分 ynetnews.com『School bars students~』から前半部分を(略

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High school students from a Tel Aviv high school said they were not allowed to wear Santa hats in school on Tuesday and were told that if they insisted on wearing the holiday headpiece, they would be suspended.

The students of the Shevach high school wished to mark the last day of 2013, but were barred from doing so.
According to the Education Ministry, the school is strict in ensuring the students wear the school uniform in class, and that they were allowed to wear the hats between classes.

One of the students, an 11th grader, said: "I've been attending this school since the ninth grade and every year on December 31 we go to school wearing Santa hats to mark the New Year."

She argued that the appointment of a new school principal caused the change in regulations and that in previous years it was not a problem.

Some have said the new instruction is racist in nature, as the custom of wearing Santa hats to school on December 31 is exercised by students of Russian families.
The student said one of the teachers told her and her friends that the school has turned into a "Russian ghetto."
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しかし、ロシアでは、サンタクロースに相当するキャラ(Father Frost, Ded Moroz, Дед Мороз)なんてのがいる。
・Of Russian origin: Ded Moroz(russiapedia.rt.com)

以下、russiapedia.rt.com『Of Russian origin~』から前半部分を(略

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The original Russian gift-giver was Saint Nicholas, the country's Patron Saint, whose Feast Day is celebrated on December 6th.
The image of Saint Nicholas originates from the image of another hero – the ancient Morozko.
In Russian folklore Morozko is a powerful hero and smith who chains water with his “iron” frosts. Morozko was not hostile to people - he helped them and presented them with awesome presents.

In fairy tales Morozko is at times kind and at times evil.
To be precise, he is kind towards the hard working and the good-hearted, but extremely severe with the mean and the lazy.
And it is not about justice only.
It is rather about two personalities living in one magical person.

Ded Moroz and the Communists

In 1917, with the Bolshevik Revolution, Ded Moroz was banished into exile.
He was considered a kind of a kids’ god, which was impermissible during Soviet times when Russian leaders were flatly against any manifestations of religiousness.
But only 20 years later Ded Moroz returned to the country and New Year’s celebrations became public.
Since then Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on New Year’s Eve, putting presents under the fir tree for the kids to find in the morning.
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以下、2013年12月31日分 ynetnews.com『School bars students~』からその部分を(略

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The Education Ministry said in response: "The Shevach high school is strict when it comes to uniforms. The students were therefore asked not to wear hats and caps all year long. In between classes and during breaks, however, they can wear hats. In any case, no student was suspended from school for wearing a hat and there is not intention of doing so."

The ministry said the school intends to work out a way the students could celebrate the New Year without violating school regulations.
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