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575 Pages UN Israel and Palestine report 2

2009-09-19 20:15:02 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・575 Pages (lol) UN Israel and Palestine report (2009年9月17日 flagburner's blog(仮))

実は、P.558~P.574 の『Annex II』には、この報告書の責任者である Richard Goldstone 氏とジュネーブにおけるイスラエル国連大使こと Aharon Leshno Yaar 氏との書簡なるものが掲載されてた。

以下に P.558-P.559 に掲載された最初の書簡・・・。
2009年に4月3日に Goldstone 氏が Leshno Yaar 氏に送ったブツを引用しておく。

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3, April 2009

Dear Ambassador,

I was hoping to have the oppotunity of meeting with you this morning and especially prion to the press conference at which the Members of the Fact Finding Misson are to be announced.
I am disappointed to learn that this will not be possible.

I wished personally to assure you that prior to considering the invitation to lead the Mission, I satisfied myself that it would be given unbiased and even-handed terms of reference.
In particular, it seemed to me that it was crucial, in order to assess the military actions conducted by Isral, and in particular to investigate the effects on Israeli citizens of the rocket attacks that emanated from Gaza.
It is also cleary necessary to take into account all relevant contextual facts that might be relevent to assess the actions that were taken by Israel in response to the attacks.

It is my earnest wish that the Mission should visit the areas that were effected by the rocket attack and, if possible, to meet with some of the victums of those attacks, to ascertain the physical damage caused by them, as well as the effect that they had on an ongoing basis upon the civilian population in the effected areas of Israel.
I need hardly add that it would also be important for the Mission to have access to the relevant officials in the Israeli Government and, of course, relevant military officials.

As a completely independent body, the Mission will now be determining its own terms of reference.
I would hope that I could consult with the Government of Israel and take into account its views with regard to the terms of reference.
Your advice in this regard would be much appreciated.

I am willing to come to Geneva to meet with you at a mutually convenient time or, if that would be more helpful, to travel to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli Government officials there.

I do hope that you will find it possible to respond to this communication at your earliest convenience.

Please accept, Excellency, the assuarances of my highest consideration.

Richard Goldstone, Head of the Fact-Finding Mission, established under HRC resolution S-9/1

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で、Leshno Yaar 氏は2009年4月7日に上の書簡への返答を出してきたのだが・・・。
以下、例の報告書の P.560-P.561 から Goldstone 氏への書簡を引用する。

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Dear Justice Goldstone

Thank you for your letter dated April 3, 2009, concerning the HRC Fact-Finding Mission.

It is with regret that I have to inform you that Israel will not be able to cooperate with the proposed Fact-Finding Mission.
While I appereciated your efforts to obtain assuarances that the Mission wound be unbiased and even-handed, it remains the fact that legal basis of the Mission is HRC Resolution S-9/1.
This grossly politicized resolution prejudges the issue at hand, determining at the outset that Israel has perpetrated grave violations of human rights and implying that Israel has deliberately targeted civilians and medical facilities, and systematically destroyed the cultural heritage of the Palestinian people.
It calls for urgent international action directed only against Israel and, as regards the proposed Fact-Finding Misson, makes clear that it regards its mandate as exclusively focused on Israeli violations of human rights and humanitarian law.
The fact that several distinguished individuals approached to head the Mission declined reflects the problematics nature of the Mission and its mandate.

The hopelessly one-sided nature of the HRC resolution was reflected in the Explanations of Vote of numerous states, including the Europian Union -- which stated that it found the mandate of the proposed Mission to be unbalanced, and noted that investigations were currentlybeing conducte under the leadership of the UN Secretary-General, as well as by Israel.
Indeed, as you may be aware, Israel is engaged in a series of far-reaching investigation regarding many aspects of the "Cast Lead" Operation, and has cooperated intensively with the UN Secretary-General's Board of Inquiry.

I have no doubts regarding your genuine desire to ensure that the proposed HRC Mission would be balanced, but am concerned that neither your own commitment to ensure inpartiality nor any assurance given to you by any indivisual have the force to change itis legal basis.
Even if the Mission were to choose to oreate in accordance with its own terms of reference, resolution S-9/1 would still provide the basis for the Council's treatment of the Mission's report and any subsequent proceedings.

I wish to stress that Israel's decision in this matter is not intend in any way to reflect on itis sincere respect for you personally, or n\on your longstartling commitment to ensuring respect for the rights and welfare of Isralis and Palestinians alike.
Rather it derives solely from a reluctant recognition of the politicization that has so deeply infected the Human Rights Council.

With sincere best wishes,

Aharon Leshno Yaar, Ambassador
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2008年12月~2009年にかけてイスラエル政府が Gaza 地区に行った(中略)に関する責任を問われたくない、ってのが見え見えなんだけど。

つーか、国連人権委員会の決議案 S-9/1 って何?
・S-9/1. The grave violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly due to the recent Israeli military attacks against the occupied Gaza Strip(2009年1月9日 or 12日 ohchr.org;google のキャッシュ@保存はお早めに)

ちなみに、この決議案には申し訳的に『Urges all parties concerned to respect the rules of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and to refrain from violence against the civilian population』という一文が盛り込まれている。

もっとも、S-9/1 で要求されてた調査委員会の結果は、この前もネタにしたけど見事に Hamas や暫定政府批判もしてるんだよな。
・Netanyahu asks world to reject Goldstone findings (2009年9月18日 Haaretz.com)



