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Mobs of Beitar Jerusalem FC attacked Palestine people:Is it quite usual?

2012-03-27 20:20:23 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
何かしらんが、イスラエルのエルサレムにある某ショッピングモールで清掃員として働いてるパレスチナの人などを、ベイタル・エルサレム FC(Beitar Jerusalem:מועדון כדורגל בית"ר ירושלים)というフットボールクラブのファン崩れの方々が襲撃する、なんて騒動があった模様。
・Hundreds of Beitar Jerusalem fans beat up Arab workers in mall; no arrests(2012年3月23日 Haaretz.com)
・צפו || 300 אוהדי בית"ר מתפרעים בקניון מלחה
(2012年3月23日 Haaretz.co.il;ヘブライ語)

元々、Beitar Jerusalem というチームは、1936年にベイタル(シオニズム青年運動:ベタル、とも言う)の活動家によって設立されたクラブが母体。
・Football and politics in the Holy City(2008年8月23日 news.bbc.co.uk)

去年~今年も、ナイジェリア出身の Toto Tamuz(ハポエル・テルアビブ(Hapoel Tel-Aviv FC)所属)選手に対する観客からの人種差別発言→チーム側の再発防止策不備で獲得ポイントの剥奪処分を喰らってる。
・Beitar punished for fans' racist chanting(2012年1月6日 ynetnews.com;Reuters)

何度となく処分を喰らっても Beitar Jerusalem が存続してるのは、長年資金援助を行ってきた資産家のおかげかそれとも観客が懲りずに(人種差別を)試合に足を運ぶからなのか・・・。

以下、2012年3月23日分 Haaretz.com『Hundreds of Beitar Jerusalem ~』から前半部分を(略

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Hundreds of Beitar Jerusalem supporters assaulted Arab cleaning personnel at the capital's Malha shopping center on Monday, in what was said to be one of Jerusalem's biggest-ever ethnic clashes.
"It was a mass lynching attempt," said Mohammed Yusuf, a team leader for Or-Orly cleaning services.

Despite CCTV footage of the events, no one was arrested.
Jerusalem police said that is because no complaint was filed.
Witnesses said that after a soccer game in the nearby Teddy Stadium, hundreds of mostly teenage supporters flooded into the shopping center, hurling racial abuse at Arab workers and customers and chanting anti-Arab slogans, and filled the food hall on the second floor.

"I've never seen so many people," said A, a shopkeeper.
"They stood on chairs and tables and what have you. They made a terrible noise, screamed 'death to the Arabs,' waved their scarves and sang songs at the top of their voices."

Shortly afterward, several supporters started harassing three Arab women, who sat in the food hall with their children.
They verbally abused and spat on them.

Some Arab men, who work as cleaners at the shopping center and observed the brawl, came to their rescue.
"How can you stand aside and do nothing?" said Akram, a resident of the Old City's Muslim Quarter who was one of the cleaners who got involved.
CCTV footage shows that they started chasing the rioting youths, wielding broomsticks.
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・Police probe soccer mob attack on Arab workers(2012年3月25日 jpost.com)


・WATCH: Jerusalem soccer hooligans attack Arabs at shopping center(2012年3月23日 972mag.com)

以下、2012年3月23日分 97mag.com『WATCH: Jerusalem soccer hooligans attack~』から後半部分を(略

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Meanwhile, amongst the Israeli media only Haaretz newspaper published a report about this incident – even though it occurred five days ago.
One would think that a major race riot in Jerusalem’s largest shopping mall, patronized by Jews and Arabs alike, would garner some significant local media attention.
But no.

Okay, let’s try a little thought experiment here.
Imagine that a few hundred Palestinian-Arab citizens of Israel rioted at the upscale Ramat Aviv mall in northern Tel Aviv.
Imagine that they were fans of the Arab soccer team Bnei Sakhnin, that they waved team jerseys and scarves as they chanted “death to Jews” in Arabic and cursed and spat at some nice middle class Jewish women sipping cappuccinos with their children and sharing pains au chocolat at the Arcaffe.
Imagine that they ran around the mall, asking for knives to attack the cleaning staff that was trying to protect the women from being attacked.
And that they slammed some of those cleaners into plate-glass shop windows.

Imagine that all of this was was recorded on the Ramat Aviv shopping centre’s CCTV cameras.

And then imagine the police announcing to the media that they had not made any arrests because no-one had filed a complaint.
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今回ネタにしたような騒動が日本で起きたら、クラブや JFA はどういう対応をするんだろうか・・・?


