

clisp インストール その2

2007-06-16 22:58:01 | コンピュータ言語
前回、clisp のコンパイルで必要なライブラリが不足していたものを解消しました。
configure から再挑戦です。

$ rm -rf clisp-2.41
$ tar xzf clisp-2.41a.tar.gz
$ cd clisp-2.41
$ ./configure 
Configure findings:
  FFI:        yes (user requested: default)
  readline:   yes (user requested: default)
  libsigsegv: yes

To continue building CLISP, the following commands are recommended
  (cf. unix/INSTALL step 4):
    cd src
    ./makemake --with-dynamic-ffi     > Makefile
    make config.lisp
    vi config.lisp
    make check

指示に従って、コンパイルしてみます。途中、config.lisp はデフォルトのままとします。
$ cd src
$ ./makemake --with-dynamic-ffi >Makefile
$ make config.lisp
cp -p cfgunix.lisp config.lisp
chmod +w config.lisp
echo '(setq *clhs-root-default* "")' 
        >> config.lisp
$ make
$ make check
RUN-TEST: finished "excepsit" (0 errors out of 374 tests)
finished  50 files:               0 errors out of  10,652 tests
  1                   alltest:    0 errors out of    631 tests
  2                     array:    0 errors out of    290 tests
  3                  backquot:    0 errors out of     89 tests
  4                    bin-io:    0 errors out of     15 tests
  5                characters:    0 errors out of    221 tests
  6                      clos:    0 errors out of    485 tests
  7                   defhash:    0 errors out of      6 tests
  8                  encoding:    0 errors out of     31 tests
  9                    eval20:    0 errors out of     21 tests
 10                       ffi:    0 errors out of    228 tests
 11                    floeps:    0 errors out of     20 tests
 12                    format:    0 errors out of    259 tests
 13                 genstream:    0 errors out of     14 tests
 14                  hashlong:    0 errors out of     10 tests
 15                 hashtable:    0 errors out of      7 tests
 16                    iofkts:    0 errors out of    220 tests
 17                    lambda:    0 errors out of     89 tests
 18                  lists151:    0 errors out of    201 tests
 19                  lists152:    0 errors out of    255 tests
 20                  lists153:    0 errors out of      1 test
 21                  lists154:    0 errors out of     46 tests
 22                  lists155:    0 errors out of     25 tests
 23                  lists156:    0 errors out of     20 tests
 24                  list-set:    0 errors out of      2 tests
 25                      loop:    0 errors out of    134 tests
 26                    macro8:    0 errors out of    195 tests
 27                       map:    0 errors out of     64 tests
 28                       mop:    0 errors out of    219 tests
 29                    number:    0 errors out of  3,655 tests
 30                   number2:    0 errors out of    252 tests
 31                    pack11:    0 errors out of    202 tests
 32                      path:    0 errors out of    143 tests
 33                      setf:    0 errors out of    168 tests
 34                    socket:    0 errors out of     85 tests
 35                   steele7:    0 errors out of     85 tests
 36                   streams:    0 errors out of    363 tests
 37               streamslong:    0 errors out of     14 tests
 38                   strings:    0 errors out of    408 tests
 39                  symbol10:    0 errors out of    147 tests
 40                   symbols:    0 errors out of      5 tests
 41                      time:    0 errors out of     23 tests
 42                      type:    0 errors out of    274 tests
 43                      weak:    0 errors out of    120 tests
 44                  weakhash:    0 errors out of     25 tests
 45                 weakhash2:    0 errors out of     46 tests
 46                      bind:    0 errors out of     67 tests
 47                   weakptr:    0 errors out of    240 tests
 48                conditions:    0 errors out of     90 tests
 49                  restarts:    0 errors out of     68 tests
 50                  excepsit:    0 errors out of    374 tests
Real time: 192.01062 sec.
Run time: 133.28 sec.
Space: 810789584 Bytes
GC: 1051, GC time: 32.56 sec.
(echo *.erg | grep '*' >/dev/null) || 
  (echo "Test failed:" ; ls -l *erg; 
     echo "To see which tests failed, type" ; 
     echo "    cat "`pwd`"/*.erg" ; exit 1)
echo "Test passed."
Test passed.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/espiya/src/clisp-2.41/src/tests'

うまくいきました。/usr/local へインストールします。
# make install

$ clisp
  i i i i i i i       ooooo    o        ooooooo   ooooo   ooooo
  I I I I I I I      8     8   8           8     8     o  8    8
  I  \ `+' /  I      8         8           8     8        8    8
   \  `-+-'  /       8         8           8      ooooo   8oooo
    `-__|__-'        8         8           8           8  8
        |            8     o   8           8     o     8  8
  ------+------       ooooo    8oooooo  ooo8ooo   ooooo   8

Copyright (c) Bruno Haible, Michael Stoll 1992, 1993
Copyright (c) Bruno Haible, Marcus Daniels 1994-1997
Copyright (c) Bruno Haible, Pierpaolo Bernardi, Sam Steingold 1998
Copyright (c) Bruno Haible, Sam Steingold 1999-2000
Copyright (c) Sam Steingold, Bruno Haible 2001-2006

[1]> (quit)


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