

NCMEC  (省略英語)

2014-03-23 17:50:40 | 省略英語

National Center for Missing & Exploited  Children 

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a private, non-profit organization  established in 1984 by the  United States Congress (Wikipedia よりコピー)


[Snake Skin BY CJ.Lyons より引用]

 Lucy should be doing: ・・・・・・ reviewing the latest NCMEC bulletins,


2014-01-26 11:06:22 | 省略英語

CID   Criminal Investigation Department      (ロンドン警視庁)
CO19  (WikiPedia より)
      Specialist Crime and Operations Specialist Firearms Command (SCO19)
 (previously known as SO19 and then CO19)   

PCSO   Police Community Support Officers(ロンドン警視庁)

         a civilian member of police staff employed as a uniformed non-warranted officer (Wikipediaより)

IPCC    Independent Police Complaints Commission 警察苦情処理委員会  (Wikipediaより)

IED     improvised explosive devices   仕掛け爆弾
         He got hit by an IED in Helmand  (Ultimatun by Simon Kernick  P95より)

GBH    Grievous Bodily Harmの略。イギリス警察において凶悪傷害事件を意味するコード。(Wikipedia より)

         I'd been charged with GBH over the incident with Alfonse Webber  (Ultimatun by Simon Kernick P121より)


2009-05-03 20:50:52 | 省略英語

 delirium tremens の略

日本の辞書には アルコール中毒による譫妄状態 とあるけど ここは麻薬摂取過剰による幻覚と意識の混濁状態だから 英英辞典(LDOCE)にある 

an excited state which unreal things are seen ,caused by much drinking of alcohol


[Divine Justice by David  Baldacci  P123より]

散策していたStoneは叫び声を聞いて駆けつけると トレーラーから若者が飛び出してきて それを追って老人が出てきて Stoneに助けを求める。

" Help him, please!"

"What's wrong with him?"

" He's  got the DTs. Coming off the pills or something. Went crazy...."


2008-12-02 21:20:09 | 省略英語

  AA    Alcoholics  Anonymous   アルコール中毒者自主治療協会

   She'd  tried  AA ,only because her editor had demanded it as a condition of her continued employment.

  (the whole truth  by David  Baldacci   P51より引用)