Hey Mr.Thirstyman

Gimme a cup of water

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2009-02-02 23:45:31 | Hungry
what I can do is...

Play the piano
Read and write English Article
Study Programming language
Read a book
Exercise to be skinny
Learn about Audio

I dont have much time recently.
To be matured, to use much time for that.
To be healthy, to use time for that.
To be wise, to think about it for a long time.
To be good at doing something, to learn to like it.
No gain no pain.

What can I do in this short life?
What are things I have been hoping to do?
How is my life gonna be?
Stupid questions.
Recently I havent asked myself.
What have I done recently...?

What has the Lord been telling me?
what should I answer for it?
I might be wrong?
I might be Okay?
Who can tell me whether I am wrong or Okay.
I dont know much.

Ask more questions toward myself.