「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

SESSION 9 - MASTERING MIND AND MATTER .......... 25 - By Lester Levenson

2012-04-29 18:52:11 | KEYS TO THE ULTIMATE FREEDOM
SESSION 9 - MASTERING MIND AND MATTER .......... 25 - By Lester Levenson

セッション9 - 心と物質をマスターすること..........25 - 最終自由の鍵 (究極の自由への鍵)(心と問題のマスター..........25)



Our subject is Happiness. We say that when understood, Happiness and all the following - God,
Realization, Wisdom, Understanding - become the
same; that the Happiness that we're seeking is only the
real infinite Being that each one is. And when we
recognize this, we then attempt to discover this inner
Being that we are more and more, until we see it
completely, totally and only. And when we do, the
ultimate Happiness is established permanently, forever.
And with it goes immortality, unlimitedness,
imperturbable peace, total freedom and everything that
everyone is seeking.
The way to this inner Being that we are, is to direct our
attention inward. We first focus the mind back upon the
mind until we discover what mind is. We then focus our
attention on our Self to discover our real nature. And it
turns out that our real nature, the infinite real Self that
we are, is simply we minus the mind; that the mind was
a limiting adjunct covering our Beingness; that all
thoughts have limitation (and we develop millions of
thoughts of limitation) which prevent us from seeing this
infinite Being that we are; and that by turning our
attention inward we discover all this. When we do, we
naturally let go of all these limitations. Then we see that
we have always been, are now, and always will be, this
unlimited Being.
The prime obstacle that we meet is the subconscious
mind. It is full of thoughts of limitations that propel us
every day, automatically. And we have made these
habits of subconscious thoughts so strong that even
when we recognize the direction we would like to go in,
the subconscious thoughts keep directing us for quite
sometime (even lifetimes) until we finally succeed in
over coming them. We overcome them with thoughts of
what we really want to do in life, and in that way become
matter over the mind, controlling the thoughts until only
the thoughts we want determine our behavior. Then
we're in a position where we can do something about
the mind and we start to transcend the mind. We rise
above it and we drop it. We let it go! And when we do
that we find ourselves this pure, infinite, limitless, totally
free Being that we naturally are. And then happiness is
The direction is to go within, seeking and meditating to
quiet the mind enough so that we can see the infinite
Being that we are. The major steps are first, becoming
aware of the fact that we are master over matter (and
matter includes the body). Then, the second major step
is becoming master over mind. And when we become
really masterful over mind we are able to and we do let
go of mind and operate in the realm of omniscience, in
the realm of knowingness. Then we are fully aware of'
the infinite Being that we are, and are in the ultimate
We should start with the first step, consciously controlling matter. Whether we are aware of it or not,
everyone is controlling matter all the time. Whether one
wants to be a demonstrator or not, he is. It is impossible
to not be a creator all the time. Everyone is creating
every day. We are not aware of it because we just don't
look at it. We have demonstrated or created everything
we have! Every thought, every single thought, materializes in the physical world. It's impossible to have a
thought that will not materialize (except that we reverse
it). If we think the opposite right after we have a thought,
with equal strength, we neutralize it. But any thought not
reversed or neutralized will materialize in the future, if
not immediately.
So this thing of demonstration that we are all trying so
hard to accomplish, we are doing all the time,
unconscious of the fact that we're doing it. All we need
to do is to consciously direct it, and that we call
demonstration. Everything that everyone has in life is a
demonstration. It couldn't come into our experience had
we not had a thought of it at sometime prior.
If you want to know what your sum total thinkingness is,
look around you. It has determined exactly what you
now have. It is your demonstration! If you like it, you
may hold it. If you don't, start changing your thinking.
Concentrate it in the direction that you really want, until
those thoughts become dominant over the subconscious
thoughts. And when you begin to consciously demonstrate small things, you may then realize that the only
reason why they are small is because you don't dare to
think big. The exact same rule, or principle, that applies
to demonstrating a penny, applies to demonstrating a
million dollars. The mind sets the size. Anyone who can
demonstrate a dollar can demonstrate a million dollars!
Become aware of the way you are demonstrating a onedollar bill and just increase it next time to a much larger
amount. Take on the consciousness of the million, rather
than the one-dollar bill.
The material world is just an out - projecting of our
minds into what we call the world and bodies. And when
we realize that it is just an out-projecting of our minds,
just a picture out there that we have created, we can
very easily change it, even instantly, by changing our
So, to repeat, everyone is demonstrating, creating;
every moment what he or she is thinking. You have no
choice. You are a creator, so long as you have a mind
and think.
Now, to get beyond creation, we must go beyond the
mind. Just beyond the mind is the realm of perfection
where there is no need for creating. There is a higher
state than creation, it's the state of beingness,
sometimes called awareness or consciousness. That
state is just behind the mind. That's beyond creation.
The mind finds it very difficult to imagine what it's like
beyond creation, because the mind is involved
constantly in creating. It's the creating instrument of the
universe and everything that happens in the world. So, if
you take this thing called mind, which instrument is only
a creator, and try to imagine what it is like beyond
creation, it's impossible. The mind will never know God
or your. Self, because you have to go just above the
mind to know God, your Self.
To know the infinite Being that you are, to know what it's
like beyond creation, transcend the mind. The final state
is beyond creation. It is the changeless state. In creation
everything is constantly changing, and therefore the
ultimate Truth cannot be there.
So, to demonstrate what one wants, one needs to become aware of the fact that all we need to do is to think
only of the things that we do want and that is all that we
would get, if we would do just that. Only think of the
things you want and that's what you'll be getting all the
time, because the mind is only creative. Simple, isn't it?
Also, take credit for creating all the things that you don't

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like. Just say. “Look what I did.” Because when you become aware that you've created things that you don’t
like, you're in the position of creator, and if you don't like
it, all you have to do is to reverse it and then you'll like it.
After you can master matter by consciously creating that
which you want, then master your mind and get beyond
Any questions?
Q: No, but I think you did a good job of laying it out like
that. I could almost understand everything you said.
Q: The most perfect explanation yet!
Q: Am I to assume that everything that I see and meet
during the day has been created by subconscious
Lester: Yes. The difficult thing is the unconscious
thinking. Every unconscious thought is active whether
we are aware of it or not.
Q: So, if I have a habit of having someone who doesn't
pay rent, this is a subconscious thought that was put
there by parents or someone before.
Lester: No, put there before by you, it's your thought.
Q: All right. It's best to look at it and say, “Where did this
habitual thought come from?” By looking at it, I can see
where it came from and erase it from my consciousness
and erase that particular habit of thought, can't I?
Lester: Yes. Putting it a little better, rather than see
where it came from, see that it's been in you. Then you
see how silly it is to have this thought working against
you and you automatically drop it.
Q: I wish I would. I just don't automatically drop it.
Lester: No, you do. There isn't just one thought on each
subject, there are millions. I don't like to say this, but
there are millions that you've acquired over many
millions of years.
Q: If I have a habit of having something reoccur in my
life, let us say a delay in getting things done, which is
quite common in my business, is this purely my
Lester: Yes.
Q: And its nonsense to say this is the way real estate
people operate isn't it? I've got to look at my
consciousness and if I say this is nonsense because it's
my thinking, I can eliminate this type of delay.
Lester: Yes. It's possible.
Q: How does one eliminate reoccurring conditions in
one's life?
Lester: By constantly working to undo it. Looking for the
subconscious thoughts that are causing it and dropping
Q: It's my thoughts; I don't look at anything but my own
Lester: Yes. Now there's another way, a better way. If
you can't pull up the subconscious thoughts, you can
now put in a conscious thought with strong will, - so
strongly that it overrides all the prior unconscious
thoughts. This is possible. This is called using will
power. You can will it. And if you will it strong enough,
it'll override all the subconscious thoughts. When you're
feeling high, that's when you have your greatest will.
Just will it to be the way you want it to be. The
mechanism is: You put in a thought with so much power
behind it that it's more powerful than all the former
subconscious thoughts put together.
Q: A man died last night and he left $25,000,000! And
the man next door had nothing. He died and went to
Lester: It's easier to get to heaven when you don’t have
$25,000,000 holding you here.
Q: It's easier to go, if you don't have $25,000,000.
Lester: That's right. He's attached to that twenty-five.
Re's trying to hold onto it right now, even though he is
dead. And when he tries to pick it up, his astral hands go
right through it and he's in trouble. It holds him back,
whereas a man who didn't have anything will just go off
into higher, freer realms.
Q: You mean now that he has so-called “died,” he can
still be attached to his money?
Lester: Oh sure! What he was the moment before he
died, he is the moment after, except for the fact that he
has let go of the dense body. The physical body is an
exact copy of the astral body. And when you step out of
the physical body, it feels the same to you and you try to
do the things that you were doing just before in the
physical body, if you have attachments to the physical
world. If you don't have attachments, you adapt much
easier to the freer way of life in the astral body.
Q: I like your explanation of creation.
Lester: For the intellectuals, there are schools that
argue this way: Is creation gradual or is it
Q: It's gradual because
Lester: What makes it gradual? The mind, by saying it's
Q: True.
Lester: And if you keep thinking on it, you'll discover
that creation is instantaneous.
Q: Sure it's instantaneous, but it appears differently.
Lester: And the instantaneity, - the instant also has the
concept of time in it. That's just something I'm throwing
out for you to work on, if you want to.
Q: An instant, you're confining it to a certain amount of
time; you are limiting it.
Lester: I'll give you a clue to it. You went to sleep and
you had a dream and you dreamed that you were born
into a little infant body and you went through one year,
two years, three years, into youth, middle age and old
age, all the way up to ninety years. And it took ninety
years to get up to that old body. It was a long, long time,
right? Ninety years? Until you woke up and then realized
it was a dream and it might have taken a second or two.
The dream lasted a few seconds and in that time you
went through a ninety-year period! And it seemed like
ninety years while you were in the dream. It wasn't until
you woke up that you realized it was only a few
seconds. Some day you'll see that creation is instantaneous, with the mental concept of time in it.
Q: How do you equate our effort, trying to create that
which we might desire with the statements: “Seek ye
first the kingdom of God and all good things will be

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added unto you.” and “Think not of what you shall eat
and where you shall sleep?”
Lester: Well, it fits in. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
“-God is the essence of our very beingness. If we seek
that and discover it, we find the secret of everything. So,
seek ye first the kingdom of God, go within, discover
who and what you are; then you have the secret to
everything, not only to creating but to everything. But
you see, that's been part of several years of what we
have been going through as a group: how to go within
and discover this infinite Being that we are, which is the
God part of us. And when this infinite Being is
discovered, everything is known, how to create, and
more than that, how to uncreate. And still more
important, how to get beyond creating and uncreating,
which is the ultimate state. Then you will not think of
what you shall eat and where you shall sleep. Did I
connect it for you?
Q: Until you reach the higher state, I wonder if it isn't
possible to get caught up in still trying to create before
you become aware of the higher state?
Lester: Yes, I say that you are caught up in trying to
create. You now have no choice whether to be a creator,
you are that all the time. You should now consciously
create only the things you want and stop creating the
things you don't want. One of the grossest errors we
make is to try to create in the future: I will have this. I will
get that, and when we do that, it keeps it in the future all
the time, thereby keeping it a way. This is the greatest
stumbling block for most people. When you create
something, it has to be seen in present time, in its isness, now. It is mine, now!
Q: Well, even if I can't believe that I may be going to
have something, at least I can believe that the thought is
mine, so, if I build on “The thought is mine,” this gives
me more foundation.
Lester: Yes. Discover who the thinker is.
Q: What happens when you reach the desireless state?
Lester: Well, what is desire? Desire comes from
thinking we are not the All. When you reach the
desireless state, you see yourself as the All, as the sum
total, and there's no more need, there's no more lack,
everything is you. It's not 'yours, you are it!
Q: So, it's really a state of seek ye first the kingdom of
God and all this shall be added unto you.
Lester: Everything, every last atom in the universe.
Please note that most of your questions have been on
havingness, the havingness of things. This indicates
what you think happiness is. However, you will discover
that should you obtain all the things you desire, you
would still find yourself unhappy.
You must go beyond the havingness state and reach the
beingness realm where you only are. There you know
that you lack nothing and that you are the infinite All.
There lies the ultimate joy which is a deep and a most
profound Peace, the ultimate Satiation!

This Session was recorded in Los Angeles. February 10.

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