6月26日(金)のつぶやき その3

2015-06-27 06:29:04 | Gooメンテナンス

26 June 1945, the #UN Charter was passed unanimously & signed by all 50 nations at the San Francisco Conf. #UN70 pic.twitter.com/AADWvTrMF0

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 28 RT

Hundreds gather in Charleston for Clementa Pinckney's funeral, which is expected to begin at 11 a.m. bit.ly/1GwWEaC

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#流し網漁 #サケ #マス #鮭 #シャケ

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Breaking: At least 15 dead in blast at Shiite mosque in Kuwait; Islamic State claims responsibility on.wsj.com/1GBHXlx

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UPDATE: Kuwait City attack: ISIS claims responsibility for deadly mosque blast
nbcnews.to/1BGYKI7 pic.twitter.com/FI7jPwbE8M

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ロシア:「制裁には制裁を」禁輸長期化辞さない姿勢 bit.ly/1GwXap3

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British tourist Gary Pine witnesses attack on #Sousse resort in Tunisia that killed 27 bbc.co.uk/news/live/worl… snpy.tv/1NiR6Va

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#流し網漁 #サケ #マス #鮭 #シャケ

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See unpublished photos of Michael Jackson from the ‘70s ti.me/1BGXbtw pic.twitter.com/FC6GBtWAv9

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BREAKING: French official: Man whose severed head was found at gas factory was a local businessman.

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Happy Birthday! @UN SG Ban Ki Moon #UN70 : “Today, each of you is a member, including the Organization’s youngest..." un.org/apps/news/stor…

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Humanitarian access to & within #Yemen are crucial; one without the other will leave people in total jeopardy. pic.twitter.com/RttUgvuONs

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#流し網漁 #サケ #マス #鮭 #シャケ

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June 26th will go down as a landmark date for gay rights -- Kennedy announced Lawrence, Windsor and Obergefell on this date in history.

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My interns are outside #SCOTUS witnessing history! They will never forget this! #SCOTUSMarriage #lovewins pic.twitter.com/y6SilwQTHY

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US Supreme Court #SCOTUS rules 5-4 in favour of gay marriage on constitutional grounds ab.co/1e7YGpW

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"In Birmingham we can do a lot with a small team to support our vendors". Hear more from Tom: bit.ly/1Ih1b6z pic.twitter.com/d6gtvNP0Fx

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Supreme Court rules that the Constitution requires states to license same-sex marriages: on.msnbc.com/1J9LSKp #LGBT pic.twitter.com/0FnRrpS2AI

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Pres. Obama on Supreme Court ruling: "Today is a big step in our march toward equality." pic.twitter.com/G4AOxIHTGC

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6月26日(金)のつぶやき その2

2015-06-27 06:29:03 | Gooメンテナンス

4K iMac and Bluetooth Remote Tipped in Latest OS X Miss USA Beta

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 6 RT

日本共産党の藤野保史衆院議員は、官邸前でスピーチ「事故被害の賠償を事実上打ち切る方針を出したことに、怒りが広がっている。事故はコントロールできていない。安倍首相が行うべきは、事故の完全な賠償と、事故収束に全力をあげることだ」 pic.twitter.com/oLlSc80p9j

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Some of the most famous men in the world... but this is actually a woman
sunpl.us/6010BBilY pic.twitter.com/CshZ5NnR8e

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Video footage of the scene near the factory in Grenoble has been posted online ind.pn/1CycWy8 pic.twitter.com/KuhFW5iUNU

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The French chemical factory attacked this morning was not considered high-risk itv.com/news/story/201…

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Morning Briefing: What you need to know to start your day. nyti.ms/1dksi2J via @nytnow pic.twitter.com/HBangLBSpm

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Make green tech into today's Microsoft/Apple/Google, says @BillGates, with a $2b investment: on.ft.com/1Cye8lc pic.twitter.com/ZGC8XkPCXW

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Suspected terror attack at French factory - live updates d.gu.com/BKwYDf

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Man beheaded after an attacker wielding an Islamist flag targeted a chemical factory sunpl.us/6012BBcpm pic.twitter.com/IVjvbPDJyr

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Gunmen opened fire on beachgoers at hotel in Sousse, a popular resort town in Tunisia: abcn.ws/1GNpXYF pic.twitter.com/YKfFhhie9U

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Terrorist Attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait Kill Dozens nyti.ms/1GNw0fJ

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#UN70 L’idéal d’un monde de #paix énoncé dans la Charte et les valeurs de l'ONU restent un parangon pour tous partout dans le monde. (#UNSG)

冨田麻里(7thclouds公式ツィートさんがリツイート | 2 RT

Three separate attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait. LIVE updates on these stories here: reut.rs/1e7SJJt pic.twitter.com/ed7JQXrpDC

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ロ上院議長:(1)流し網漁禁止法の目的はロシア経済の安全性維持と沿岸地域の社会経済状況の改善です。数十年にわたって #ロシア の排他的経済水域で行われているサケ・マス流し網漁は、世界の海洋生物資源に甚大なダメージを与えています。#流し網漁 #サケ #マス #鮭 #シャケ

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Decapitated man in #France attack was local businessman: source close to probe #AFP

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The gaz factory that was attacked in #France had just signed a contract to build one of the biggest gas complex in Saudi Arabia

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Four in 10 top companies won't survive the next 5 years, according to new survey: cnb.cx/1LJK1fE pic.twitter.com/6uZRjwNXCi

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Thousands expected for Obama's tribute to Charleston victims: aol.it/1GwitH7 pic.twitter.com/C7IplJlu7D

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6月26日(金)のつぶやき その1

2015-06-27 06:29:02 | Gooメンテナンス

Doves are released over casket holding #CharlestonShooting victim Ethel Lance during her burial. JimWatson_AFP #AFP pic.twitter.com/ccjAbqFk6C

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【医療】 生殖医療立法「2年以内に」…超党派で議論へ 2015年06月26日 18時13分:… dlvr.it/BKwBQ1

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Brighton today for Sussex open day tomorrow??

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陸上自衛隊が薬きょう紛失、1300人で捜索 cgi.tbs.co.jp/n/AbDO #tbs #tbs_newsi

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Man beheaded in attack, explosion reported at #France gas factor #ISIS htz.li/2Le (Illustration) pic.twitter.com/j2KZsUuDMh

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安保法案、沖縄で参考人質疑 7月6日に特別委 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 47news.jp/CN/201506/CN20…

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Italian mafia’s cocaine trafficking leaves trail of drug devastation among poor of Brazil ? video d.gu.com/BKwFWv

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BRICS銀、来春始動 途上国支援、米欧に対抗 - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 47news.jp/CN/201506/CN20…

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Recent French figures report 1,750 individuals identified for involvement in jihadist networks ind.pn/1CycWy8 pic.twitter.com/WDjJayW5GF

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#BREAKING Hollande returning to France from EU summit after terror attack: official

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⇒ ハンサムすぎるゴリラに女性客が殺到!海外でも話題に【動画】 ow.ly/30Abqp

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Led Zeppelin's final remastered works show a 'Whole Lotta Love' for Bollywood ind.pn/1LJki7d pic.twitter.com/LJY6EYj47p

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Man decapitated in Islamist attack in France

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覚せい剤5億円相当密輸=台湾人3人逮捕、起訴-大阪 i.jiji.jp/jc/forward?g=s…

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Reports from France: one person killed...others injured in what may be a terror strike at factory in Grenoble. Listen bit.ly/cbsnewscast

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Two self-driving cars involved in close call in California trib.al/ZzRsmeS

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Report: 1 killed in suspected terror attack in France.
cnn.it/1Nic721 pic.twitter.com/H0UE0JAAT6

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福島、汚染砂利の袋も破損 楢葉町の仮置き場  - 47NEWS(よんななニュース) 47news.jp/CN/201506/CN20…

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Glastonbury Festival: Pop-up Hotel opens its doors to music fans, in pictures tgr.ph/1J9muog pic.twitter.com/Oz9RmFGUTC

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コラム:国泰君安証券、中国IPOの狂乱体現 bit.ly/1eLslWQ

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6月25日(木)のつぶやき その2

2015-06-26 06:25:02 | Gooメンテナンス

Government halts £38 billion plan for rail overhaul over cost issues, blames Network Rail itv.com/news/update/20… pic.twitter.com/5KtPyhOoyj

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2nd prison officer arrested in connection with inmates’ escape wapo.st/1J7p7GY

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台湾の鴻海精密工業、中国関連企業の本土上場を計画 bit.ly/1NeeQcV

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More convictions made for violence against women, but the rape conviction rate has fallen ind.pn/1dhZRm3 pic.twitter.com/0NAVtUctj4

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After fleeing war, refugees & IDPs often face exclusion in the places where they find safety trib.al/eZ2gEQS pic.twitter.com/3sYIqerdxX

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NHK Eテレ 20:30 きょうの健康 運動で健康「簡単!夏の室内運動」 nhk.jp/P94 #nhketv #きょうの健康

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